Man injured former partner by kicking in bathroom door in Falkirk home

Daniel Cox received a community payback order at Falkirk Sheriff CourtDaniel Cox received a community payback order at Falkirk Sheriff Court
Daniel Cox received a community payback order at Falkirk Sheriff Court
A man who flew into a sudden fit of rage and injured his ex by kicking open a door has been placed under supervision.

Daniel Cox (28) left his former partner with a lump on the side of her head when he forced the door open with his foot after she returned home from a night out with friends.

Cox, 42 Garry Place, Hallglen, appeared at Falkirk Sheriff Court last Thursday having previously admitted the assault, which took place at an address in Dunning Place, Falkirk, on November 10, as well as lunging at and attempting to punch the woman’s son.

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After refusing to engage in conversation with his ex when she arrived home, Cox, who the court heard has mental health difficulties, took exception to her going to the bathroom and began kicking the door repeatedly.

Procurator fiscal depute Susan Campbell said: “It flew open and struck her on the right side of her head, causing a lump. She was crying hysterically in pain.”

Claiming the woman hadn’t been injured, Cox left the property but returned a short time later. He was refused entry by his ex but didn’t take no for an answer.

Ms Campbell said: “The accused charged into the living room where her young son was sitting.

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“He headed towards him in an aggressive manner with his fists clenched and tried to punch him but the complainer stopped him.”

The court heard the woman was later checked over by ambulance staff but didn’t require treatment.

His solicitor told Sheriff Craig Caldwell that Cox had been in a relationship with the complainer for two years but accepts it’s over. The court also heard Cox’s mental health difficulties are aggravated when he consumes alcohol.

Sheriff Caldwell told Cox: “This was very concerning conduct.”

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Due to his record and “good employment” history, Cox was placed under supervision for 18 months and ordered to complete 80 hours of unpaid work within four months.

A request from the complainer for a non-harrassment order against Cox was refused.