New breastfeeding and infant feeding support group launched in Bo'ness

Caroline Harrower, international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and Alisha Walker-Cowie, peer support, have launched the new breastfeeding and infant feeding support group in conjunction with charity Maddie's Miracle.  (pic: Michael Gillen)Caroline Harrower, international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and Alisha Walker-Cowie, peer support, have launched the new breastfeeding and infant feeding support group in conjunction with charity Maddie's Miracle.  (pic: Michael Gillen)
Caroline Harrower, international board certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and Alisha Walker-Cowie, peer support, have launched the new breastfeeding and infant feeding support group in conjunction with charity Maddie's Miracle. (pic: Michael Gillen)
A new breastfeeding and infant feeding support group has been launched in Bo’ness.

The weekly group, which is free and will run at the town’s Cowdenhill Community Hall, has been set up by Caroline Harrower in conjunction with the charity Maddie’s Miracle.

Mum of two, Caroline, is already involved in running a similar support group in Polmont and is now looking forward to meeting mums in Bo’ness.

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She said: “Since the pandemic, the NHS has not opened up many of its breastfeeding support groups again. There are charities, like Maddie’s Miracle which are now looking to help fill that gap for families. Maddie’s Miracle is a fairly new charity that we’ve managed to secure some funding through to launch this new group.

"The group will be relaxed and is predominantly social with the idea that mums can come and meet other mums and chat about their experiences. There will be tea and coffee, biscuits and a mat for the little ones to play while the mums chat.

"It’s about getting mums out and about and meeting other mums. Breastfeeding is a minority activity and unless you purposefully try to go to these groups it can feel very lonely."

Caroline, who is a qualified International Broad Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), said that the group is about helping mums and families on their feeding journeys and ensuring they can get good information in a world where it’s often a case of information overload.

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She continued: “It’s not all about those who are exclusively breastfeeding, we’re here for those who are perhaps combination feeding or expressing too. Primarily the group is about the social side of things, and peer support is invaluable, but as an IBCLC I can offer some professional support to people if needed.

"I had my baby, struggled to breast feed and found my local support group. It was invaluable to me, being able to talk to other mums and get information when needed. I developed a passion and have been involved in breastfeeding support for the last 11 years. I realised how much good information and good support can really change your experience and almost save your sanity and save your parenting journey in a way.”

Caroline will also be joined in running the group by peer support Alisha Walker-Cowie.

The group runs on a Wednesday morning at Cowdenhill Community Hall in Bridgeness Road, from 10.15am to 11.45pm.

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Caroline added: “It’s a drop in so you don’t have to book and you don’t have to come for the full time or every week. Pop in and have a cup of tea that won’t be cold and chat with other mums. It doesn’t have to be about issues or problems, it’s just a chance for mums to get together for a blether.”

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