Baby of the Week: Ethan James Young

Ethan James YoungEthan James Young
Ethan James Young
Ethan James Young was born at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 9.46am on December 24, weighing 8lb 13oz.

THE PARENTS: Evonne Young (39) is a full-time mum and husband Alan (38) is a sales rep with a pharmaceutical company. The couple live in Larbert with daughter Orla (4).

THE PREGNANCY: It was fine with no real problems but Evonne did feel a lot more tired this time around.

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THE BIRTH: Baby was breech and Evonne was booked in for an elective c-section on Christmas Eve. The couple were even in touch with Santa Claus to arrange an early visit to their home so they could be there when Orla opened her presents. Despite Ethan turning, Evonne wanted the Caesearean to go ahead.

THE BABY: He suffered from reflux for the first eight weeks but is now on medication and is a very happy baby who sleeps through the night.

THE NAME: The couple admit to struggling for names this time but Ethan was one they both liked, while James is after Evonne’s dad.

THE GRANDPARENTS: Ethan is a grandson for Jim and Janette Blair of Grangemouth and Martin and the late Margo Young of Glasgow.

THANKS: To all the staff at FVRH and Ninewells in Dundee, especially midwife Zoe.

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