Council urges residents to be vigilant after Bo’ness man lost £1300 to conman

Falkirk district residents have been urged to guard against cold callersFalkirk district residents have been urged to guard against cold callers
Falkirk district residents have been urged to guard against cold callers
Falkirk Council has echoed a police warning for residents of the region to be vigilant after a 71-year-old man was conned out of £1300.

The Bo’ness pensioner was approached by a man who was driving a Ford Transit van and wearing a high visibility orange jacket earlier this month.

The man claimed he was part of the Trusted Traders Scheme and an agreement was made for the four-figure sum to be paid for gardening work which was never carried out.

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Councillor Laura Murtagh, spokeswoman for public protection, said: “Many people are tricked into handing over money or their financial details to criminals intent on deceiving the public through cold calling.

“Anyone not expecting a cold caller should politely but firmly tell them that you do not need or want their services and should leave.

“You can report any suspicious activity to Trading Standards on 01324 506070 or Police Scotland on 101.”

Sergeant Andy Angus, of Falkirk Police Station, said: “Please do not pay for any work until completion and always ensure you get a number of quotes from reputable businesses.”

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Consumers can use websites to get information on reliable traders such as and can obtain no cold calling window stickers via Falkirk Council’s contact centre on 01324 506070.