Police hunt culprit behind '˜mindless vandalism' at Camelon Cemetery

Camelon Cemetery.Camelon Cemetery.
Camelon Cemetery.
Police are seeking the public's help to catch those responsible for damaging a gravestone at a cemetery in Camelon - causing heartbreak to a local family.

A stone cup used to hold flowers was broken off some time between June 30 and July 12, and officers are urging anyone with information to come forward.

Constable Arthur McInnes from Camelon Police Station said: “This mindless act of vandalism has caused a considerable amount of distress to the family, who are now unable to place flowers on their loved one’s grave.

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“I’d ask anyone who witnessed any suspicious behaviour in the cemetery, or has information to help with our investigation, to come forward as soon as possible.”

Anyone with information can contact officers via 101, quoting incident number 1258 of July 12, or pass on details anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111