Teenager tagged and warned to stay in

Stevenson has been taggedStevenson has been tagged
Stevenson has been tagged
A teenager has been '˜tagged' and warned if he breaks the curfew will be sent to jail.

Alistair Stevenson, whose address was given as Seaforth Road, Langlees, will be expected to stay indoors between 7pm and 7am every day for the next three months – or face the consequences.

Stevenson appeared at Falkirk Sheriff Court from custody last Thursday have his progress with a community order reviewed and be sentenced for breaching bail.

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The 19-year-old had been placed on the order after admitting threatening his partner at her home in Dollar Gardens, Falkirk, last October and going back to the house in January and shouting and swearing. He breached his bail in July by going to see her.

Stevenson’s progress with the order will be reviewed on October 20.