Family thrilled with '˜Skinflats Santa' gift

Kacey Webster's first Christmas was extra special thanks to the 'Skinflats Santa' who gave her £100 as giftKacey Webster's first Christmas was extra special thanks to the 'Skinflats Santa' who gave her £100 as gift
Kacey Webster's first Christmas was extra special thanks to the 'Skinflats Santa' who gave her £100 as gift
A new baby got a surprise gift of £100 for her first Christmas from a mysterious benefactor known only as '˜Skinflats Santa'.

Little Kacey Webster is only 12 weeks old, but she’s off to a fast start financially thanks to the cash that was popped through the letterbox of her family home on Christmas Day.

Parents Kelly (35) and Graham (33) were getting ready to enjoy some festive fun with Kacey and her big brother Ryan (7) when they noticed a red envelope lying in their hall.

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Kelly said: “Early on Christmas morning Graham went downstairs and saw a red envelope addressed to ‘the baby’ had been put through the front door. It wasn’t there when we went to bed so we think whoever posted it was waiting until we turned all the lights off

“Graham brought the envelope upstairs to me and when I opened it there was a baby’s first Christmas card inside with £100 in it. Written on the card was ‘from Skinflats Santa’.”

The Websters, who have lived in the village for almost two years, thought it may have been a local tradition or custom, but found out that was not the case and this appears to be a first for Skinflats.

Kelly said: “I asked around the neighbours to see if it’s something Skinflats people do when it’s a baby’s first Christmas, but none of them had heard of it happening before and one of the neighbours has lived here for 50 years.

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“We have no idea who has done this and are completely dumbfounded and amazed by someone’s generosity especially in this day and age. It just shows you there are some decent people out there and it restores your faith in people.

“Graham and I would just like to say a heartfelt thank you to the person for their generosity. The money they gave Kacey went straight into her savings account for her.”

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