Don't wait, Act to stop the terrorists

Chief Inspector Damian ArmstrongChief Inspector Damian Armstrong
Chief Inspector Damian Armstrong
Falkirk officers are supporting a national campaign by counter terrorism policing urging the public to act on their instincts to help tackle the terrorist threat.

Make Nothing Happen focuses on the critical role our communities can play in stopping terrorism.

Publicised as ACT: Action Counters Terrorism, it urges people to be empowered to report suspicious activity to help local officers and the counter terrorism units to prevent terror attacks in our area and beyond.

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At a time when the scale, volume and complexity of the terrorism threat continues to grow, I hope members of the public would report any potential suspicious activity or online content they are concerned about.

Radio adverts and mainstream media reporting will provide information regarding what activity to look out for and how to report it.

Counter terrorism police have foiled a number of attacks in mainland Britain and on many occasions it has been suspicious activity reported by communities which led to the disruption of a terrorist threat.

If you suspect anything please don’t wait for someone else to call. Act by calling the anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 or visit