If you suspect it, act and report it

Chief Inspector Damian ArmstrongChief Inspector Damian Armstrong
Chief Inspector Damian Armstrong
Local officers were saddened by the tragic events in London last Wednesday.

Our thoughts are with the victims, their families and their communities.

Such a tragedy strikes at the very heart of who we are when a serving police officer, engaged in his duties, is targeted and loses his life.

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Officers across Falkirk are mindful of the dangers but the support of our community drives us to police as best we can.

While there is no specific intelligence to suggest such an incident could happen here, the UK threat level remains at severe.

Across Falkirk there have been increased patrols; these are for reassurance.

Officers and our communities must remain alert but not alarmed.

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We are supporting a national campaign by Counter Terrorism Policing urging the public to act on their instincts to help tackle the terrorist threat.

It’s been called “Make Nothing Happen” and it focuses on the critical role our communities can play.

Publicised nationally as ACT: Action Counters Terrorism, it urges people to report suspicious activity. If you suspect it, report it by calling 999 in an emergency or 101 at all other times.