Letter from the Editor: Wondering how to spend my free time

Is it time to embark on my next DIY project?Is it time to embark on my next DIY project?
Is it time to embark on my next DIY project?
When my son signed up for a school camping trip a few months ago - meaning a couple of nights away from home - my wife and I were full of great ideas about how we might spend this '˜free'time.

A short break perhaps? A spa day? At the very least a night out or two.

But now the day is upon us we’re no further forward with our plans so it looks as if we might use the next couple of days to catch up on the housework, gardening ... and sleep.

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So, while Calum sits happily in front of the campfire - toasting the dozens of giant marshmallows his mum packed for him - we’ll probably be curled up on the sofa, limbs aching after an hour or so in the garden, wondering whose turn it is to empty the dishwasher.

Oh yes, we certainly know how to enjoy ourselves.

The other option for me is to embark on my next DIY project.

My plan to create a storeroom in the garage accessed via a cupboard in the the lounge is, to my mind, inspirational but, as it has so far met with a decidedly lukewarm resonse from the other half, I suspect it will take a few more weeks of persuasion before I can safely wield my sledgehammer.

Instead, I’ll probably content myself with turning the spare room into a World Cup enclave.

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There’s already a sofa and TV which means there’s only a couple of more essentials required before I can lock myself away for the duration of the tournament.

So, if anyone has a mini fridge or a microwave going cheap, you know where to fund me!