Time? Plenty left to enjoy as a happy old timer

Stuart Barber.Stuart Barber.
Stuart Barber.
The last time I contributed to this page I might have (probably did actually) taken the chance to moan about '˜Old Father Time' catching up.

After taking the brickbats from the family and told to ‘grow up’ – ironic that – celebrate the birth of my first grandchild and look forward not back, I was obviously encouraged to read an article in a national newspaper this week reassuring me I will start feeling happier the further into my 60s I go!

Despite the danger of developing chronic ailments such as arthritis, diabetes and high blood pressure, scientists insist those of us with bus passes are moving towards a time when we’ll be insisting we’ve never had it so good.

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This is all based on the results of a Q&A with ‘wrinklies’ born since 1946.

They were quizzed between the ages of 60 and 64 and again when they were 69 about their wellbeing and found to be “significantly happier” in 2016 than they had been in 2007 or 2011.

Researchers involved in the National Survey for Health and Development asked their volunteers about their mental wellbeing at 14 levels including how cheerful, confident, optimistic, useful and relaxed they felt.

By all accounts, those who could remember all the questions all responded in an impressively positive fashion.

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Taking this set of figures – and those from the Office for National Statistics which report those aged 65 to 79 were the most content – it is clearly obvious my concerns about the future are clearly unfounded.

And it gets better. The
report says 45 to 59-year-olds are the most miserable and I’m way past that milestone. And while happiness levels drop off after 80, I’m years away from that too ... so GAME ON!