Baby of the Week: Bo'ness tot Finnley Moore

Finnley MooreFinnley Moore
Finnley Moore
Finnley Jamie Ralph Moore was born on May 13, 2020 at Forth Valley Royal Hospital at 3.55am, weighing 7lbs 6oz.

Mum Catherine Kirk, 24, is a student studying a Master of Science degree in Podiatry, while dad Sean Moore, 25, is a stay at home dad.

Mum says the pregnancy was wonderful. She was induced as Finnley was nine days overdue and was in labour for three hours.

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Mum and dad made a list of names they liked and narrowed it down to Finnley. His middle name Jamie is after his late uncle, Catherine’s brother, while Ralph is after his dad’s grandad.

Finnley is a happy go lucky little smiler. He is very content, always laughing and barely cries. He has a cheeky personality.

His grandparents are Catherine and Barrie Kirk, Fiona Ferguson and Jason Moore.

Mum would like to thank Sean for being there for her and Finnley, as well as his grandmothers and great grandparents.