Baby of the Week: Falkirk bairn Esme Williamson

Esme WilliamsonEsme Williamson
Esme Williamson
Esme Williamson was born in Forth Valley Royal Hospital on September 1, 2019 at 4.07am, weighing 5lb 2oz.

THE FAMILY: Mum Chloe Williamson (33) is a recruitment consultant in a contact centre while dad, Michael (33), works in financial services. Big brother Max (6), adores his little sister. The family live in Falkirk.

THE PREGNANCY: Mum says it was a stressful pregnancy with her having growth scans throughout and she was kept in hospital overnight at 34 weeks as doctors were worried about Esme’s growth. From then on she attended hospital twice a week for scans until she was induced at 38 weeks.

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THE BIRTH: Mum went into hospital on the Friday and Esme wasn’t born until early on the Sunday morning.

THE NAME: Both mum and dad liked the name and they wanted a short first name like their son, Max, as they have a long surname.

THE BABY: Esme is a good, contented baby with a determined streak and is currently rolling over and preparing to crawl. She’s just started weaning and enjoys eating mummy’s food and playing with Max.

THE GRANDPARENTS: Denise and Robert Miller and Calum and Elaine Williamson.

THANKS: Chloe would like to thank Michael for supporting her throughout the pregnancy and birth, Denise and Robert Miller for looking after Max when Esme was born and for helping around the house.