Inspirational Linlithgow girl donates her hair to charity

Madeleine Barnes had her long hair all cut off to give  it to The Little Princess Trust.Madeleine Barnes had her long hair all cut off to give  it to The Little Princess Trust.
Madeleine Barnes had her long hair all cut off to give it to The Little Princess Trust.
A ten-year-old girl from Linlithgow had her hair cut and donated to charity after her friend lost her hair while successfully battling cancer.

Madeleine Barnes had her long hair all cut off and gave it to The Little Princess Trust to be made into a wig for a child who needs it. When her friend Chloe (8) was ill for two years she benefitted from wigs from the charity while receiving chemotherapy treatment.

Speaking on her Just Giving page, Madeleine said: “My friend, Chloe, got ill when she was five-years-old, just before starting primary school.

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“When she lost her hair due to her treatment she got beautiful wigs from The Little Princess Trust that helped with her confidence.

“After two difficult years of treatment Chloe finally beat cancer. Now Chloe is eight and full of beans. Me and all her friends are so pleased that she is well again!

“When I was thinking of getting my hair cut short, I decided it would be brilliant to donate my hair so another girl like Chloe could have a wig.”

Madeline has also been raising sponsorship money to help pay for the wig making process.

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Her mum, Pamela Barnes, said: “I’m so proud of Madeleine I could burst! She’s been wanting to donate her hair to make a wig for quite a while, and so was really excited about going ahead with it.

“Thank you so much to Chris from Eskimo Blonde for making Madeleine’s haircut experience so special.

“It costs at least £550 for The Little Princess Trust to make each wig from hair that is donated.

“So Madeleine decided to get her haircut sponsored and is over the moon to have raised £445 so far.”

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