Scott Brown is star guest at Camelon Sensory Centre's 10th birthday party

Scotland captain Scott Brown, left, will make a speech at tomorrow's event. Picture: Michael GillenScotland captain Scott Brown, left, will make a speech at tomorrow's event. Picture: Michael Gillen
Scotland captain Scott Brown, left, will make a speech at tomorrow's event. Picture: Michael Gillen
Scotland captain Scott Brown will be amongst the guests as the Forth Valley Sensory Centre celebrates its tenth anniversary.

Officially opened in 2006, the Camelon-based centre has spent the past decade providing unique and invaluable services to people living with sensory impairment across Forth Valley.

Over 500 visitors attend the centre every week for support, guidance, practical advice and access to social activities.

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Centre manager Jacquie Winning said: “I have been overwhelmed by the energy and commitment of our centre users.

“By working together our centre users have managed to raise money and transform the garden which is now well used by all in the community.”

The anniversary will be marked with a celebration on April 20. Scott Brown will be speaking and will be followed by a performance from the centre’s own visually impaired choir, The Sensory Singers.

Scott Brown said: “I am delighted to be attending the centre’s anniversary. It is clear to me that it makes a huge difference to people’s lives and that is worth celebrating.”

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An artwork, which is the collaborative effort of centre users, volunteers and school children, will also be unveiled.

Delia Henry, chair of FVSC board and Scottish director for action on hearing loss will be speaking at the event.

Falkirk Provost Pat Reid will conclude the celebration by planting a tree to commemorate the occasion.

Due to number restrictions the event is invite only.

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