The Benchman: Signs of a good side

The Benchman: Do you recognise this Internationalist?The Benchman: Do you recognise this Internationalist?
The Benchman: Do you recognise this Internationalist?
This week the Benchman reflects on the 2-1 win at Montrose, the sad news of the passing of Stephanie Kerr and fickle nature of fans and phone ins.

More Like It: The Montrose match was probably more typical of the kind of games we are going to see at The Falkirk Stadium. A team defending in depth and putting in some robust tackles to rattle the home side. They were no easy opponents and looked much more challenging than Dumbarton had been. It won’t be a 6-0 win every week.

Sign of a good side: The old cliché was never truer than against Montrose- a good team can have an off day and yet still win. Conor Sammon and manager Ray McKinnon were both honest enough to admit that Falkirk hadn’t been at their best- but a win is a win. Falkirk sit top of the league and have put down an early marker.

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SAD news indeed: Everyone at the club was deeply upset to hear of the passing of Stephanie Kerr at the age of 22. Stephanie was a familiar face at the stadium on match days where she helped out with media team duties. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her, and our condolences go to her family and many friends.

Dividing lines: The League Cup results showed that the gaps between the various divisions in the SPFL are not as great as many experts had imagined. It was only in the latter stages of the games that the part-time sides ran out of steam. Well done to Partick Thistle, and to Dunfermline whose defensive performance was commendable.

Where are they now: On visits to Morrisons, older Falkirk fans often try to work out where the various Brockville landmarks were and where their corresponding locations would be now. The Hope Street Enders think they stood near the car park entrance, while some reckon the half-way line was where the deli counter is now. Any offers for the penalty spots and the tunnel?

Answers: Last week’s aerial picture was of the old Shawfield ground in Glasgow, the former home of Clyde.

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Warm up and break down: Usually national teams play carefully selected opponents in preparation for a forthcoming major championship. They want to build team spirit, assess fringe players and above all else try to avoid major injuries. International football managers must be shaking their heads in disbelief as they watch their rugby counterparts let their teams knock seven bells out of each other.

We’re all doomed ah tell ye:
Private Frazer would be in good company with some of the callers to the Football phone-ins with their forecasts of impending doom. Newcastle fans wanted Steve Bruce sacked, Aston Villa had made a mistake and there were even rumblings of discontent down Parkhead way. We’ve only just started but already some punters are organising boycotts, calling for sackings and looking for immediate change. Huddersfield were first to start the sack race.