New '˜Catholic' app will guide you to Mass or confession

New Mass and confession finder app launched in Rome by Archbishop Leo Cushley.New Mass and confession finder app launched in Rome by Archbishop Leo Cushley.
New Mass and confession finder app launched in Rome by Archbishop Leo Cushley.
A '˜Catholic app' that will help people find their nearest Holy Mass and Confession has been launched by the arch diocese of St Andrew's and Edinburgh in a worldwide first.

By simply pushing a button on their iPhone or tablet, the app user will be guided by GPS to their soonest or nearest Holy Mass or Confession.

It has been developed by the Archdioces with Scottish technology company Musemantik.

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Now, the Edinburgh-based company hopes other dioceses from around the world will purchase the new app.

Archbishop Cushley was joined for the launch at the Vatican by Fr Jamie Boyle, parish priest in Falkirk. They were in Rome to mark the conclusion of the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

He said: “During the Jubilee Year of Mercy there was a discernible upturn in the number of people keen to return to Confession but not sure where or when to find it,” said Father Boyle. “This app will really help people to answer both those question and I hope parish priests around the world find it useful in evangelising their local communities.”

The Catholic App will go live in early 2017.

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