Storm Troopers and Cupcakes set for military show

The Kennedy Cupcakes.The Kennedy Cupcakes.
The Kennedy Cupcakes.
Stirling Armed Forces Day on Saturday next week promises some show-stopping routines from a galaxy of performers - not least a platoon of Imperial Stormtroopers from re-enactment group UK Garrison.

The King’s Park event kicks off with a grand parade through the town (starts 11.45am), then features events including cadet drill, singer Dionne Hickey and a tug of war event (Stirling Highland Games) - all set to the skirl of the pipes from 7 Scot Pipes and Drums.

Forties-style glamour girls The Kennedy Cupcakes (appearing just after 2pm), meanwhile, will “transport audiences back to a time when the men were sweethearts and the women were even sweeter”.

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